Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Is there any realtionship in Gene Therapy and Disability????

Consider a world in which gene therapy is a simple, effective and safe process. Alterations to either somatic cells or the germ-line consist of little more than a trip to the hospital to receive an injection of the appropriate gene and vector. A couple go to their local physician for genetic screening before attempting to conceive a child. They are told that the screening has detected an ‘abnormality'in their genetic makeup that will mean any child they produce will be profoundly deaf from birth. The physician then offers the couple germ-line therapy to correct the problem, allowing them to have children who will not be deaf. It appears straightforward to most of us that the couple should undergo the genetic treatment. It seems that it is preferable, for the child that the parents have a child who is not deaf, than to have one that is. This is Harris view. According to Harris, “everyone should be discouraged from reproducing children who will be significantly harmed by their genetic constitution.

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